Me and mentor AL D went to Mason Land for a few hours to see what we could photograph for our usage and the blogs of course.
This is one of the smallest Green tree frogs I have photographed in this area of central North Carolina.
I also did some landscape shots while I was there at Mason land as well to see what I could [produce for photographs in the afternoon.

The yellow flowers in this photograph at Mason Land are called Partridge Flowers and have yellow flowers .
We also spotted many different types of butterflies while at Mason Land that day.
This an Eastern tiger Yellow Swallowtail that was on this flower at mason land that I got photograph of it.
This is a Carolina Prey Mantis which is very different than the Chinese Mantis that hatched in my yard a few months back and hopefully to get pictures again of them in the adult stage laying eggs and getting videos of that.
To close off, earlier before this outing I spotted a Carolina Anoles on my porch before my mentor picked me up before this outing even started.
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